Izkia Siches makes harsh criticism of the management of the Minsal after meeting with Blumel: “I do not know in which country the Health authorities live”


Strong criticism of the government regarding the management of the pandemic carried out today President of the Medical College, Izkia Siches, after meeting in La Moneda with the Interior Minister Gonzalo Blumel.

Siches stated that the Ministry of Health –by Jaime Mañalich– The suggestions emanating from the technical table have not been heard.

“I hope tomorrow to have a positive response from the government to the offer we make to it as a second phase Medical College, a new way of coping with the pandemic, where the recommendations of the advisory committee, the social community, the Medical College of Chile, among others, are considered, ”he said.

The meeting between Blumel and Siches occurs after Tuesday Siches will claim to the head of Interior not to have fulfilled the agreements. In that quote, Siches listed six points where, in his opinion, things were not being done properly.

“Today where the Minister of Health himself has referred to the lack of credibility that exists in the country to government authorities, a good way to speak in objective data and restore the credibility of the citizenry, we have pointed this out to the President and to the interior minister, is to have the necessary information. We believe that the Ministry of Health has endeavored to contain and retain information only for them.Siches added today.

Thus, he continued: “It doesn’t help me for the Minister of Health to change the tone, I need as a representative of the country’s doctors that there is a change in the way of governing this pandemic. We have presented a series of recommendations, the advisory committee has presented a series of recommendations that have not been accepted or implemented. And as a school we expect that to happen. The collaborative form, the unity that we have been asked by the government. Our participation in that social table is in the best spirit, but we can’t keep talking to a wall, we need to have a more direct dialogue ”.

Along these lines, he pointed out that “today we have seen things so crazy, like limiting medical licenses for suspicious cases in 4 days, when in the country the results of these exams are taking longer than that. I don’t know in which country the Health authorities live, that they seem to be unaware of something that we have presented so repeatedly. As well as support for health teams. Such basic things, such as solving who cares for the sons and daughters of health workers, are still unresolved today. ”

“We want to collaborate as a Medical College, but we need once and for all that the government allows us to collaborate with them”he finished.
