Quarantine: Government clarifies which items must operate in person and the rights of those who telework | Economy


As of tomorrow, Friday, May 15, 42 communes in the country —38 of them in the Metropolitan region— will be under total quarantine decreed by the health authority due to the advance of Covid-19.

Given this measure, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security reported on the rights that workers have, the benefits that they can opt for under the Employment Protection Law and the procedures that they must carry out to access them.

The sanitary measure implies that all workers must remain at home.

Who can go out to work?

Only those who belong to companies considered essential may work, in areas such as Health, Pharmacies, Food, Cleaning, Public Safety.

Safe passage

These workers will be able to continue carrying out their tasks and move to and from their places of work carrying their identity card, credential and the Collective Safe-conduct Basic Companies, which must be requested by the employer through www.comisariavirtual.cl.

Due to the high demand, currently all these safe-conduits are being delivered in person at the police headquarters.

However, it was announced that those safe-conducts that have expired as of May 9 last will remain in force until this Friday, May 15 at 11:59 p.m. Likewise, Measures will be taken to rehabilitate the online application.

Telecommuting and private home workers

Workers who can continue working via telecommuting or telecommuting, either because their functions allow it or agreed with their employer, they will be able to maintain their activities and their right to continue receiving remuneration during this time.

The rest of the companies and their workers must paralyze their functions during total quarantine, being able to benefit from the Employment Protection Law, under the rule of contract suspension by an act of authority.

In this way, workers who contribute to Unemployment Insurance (AFC) and private home workers they may continue to receive part of their remuneration during this period from the Unemployment Insurance or to the compensation account for any event in the AFP as appropriate.

The procedure must be carried out by the legal representative of the company, with his Unique Code, at www.afc.cl, where he must enter all the data of the workers who comply with the regulations and the form of payment, preferably via bank deposit. .

The private home workersMeanwhile, they must request the benefit, also electronically, directly from the AFP to which they are affiliated.

It is important to clarify that the days actually worked until before the establishment of the quarantine, must be paid in full and normally by the employer, and cannot be discounted.

Work carried out during quarantine via telework or remotely must also be remunerated by the employer.

Furthermore, the contract being suspended according to the Employment Protection Law, the employer cannot request the worker to perform any job function and doing so may imply sanctions. Nor can workers be dismissed on the grounds of “acts of God or force majeure” invoking as a motive the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Possible irregularities

If irregularities are detected, workers can file their complaint with the DT, through its website (www.direcciondeltrabajo.cl) in the form “Audit request”, which after completion must be sent to the box [email protected].


For pensioners, it is important to remember that online platforms are available to carry out procedures and queries regarding bonds and pensions remotely, at www.aportefamiliar.cl; www.bonoayuda.cl; www.bonocovid.cl; www.chileatiende.cl and www.ipsenlinea.cl.

All people can request the payment of their pensions via transfer in your RUT Account. Likewise, there is the option of requesting, through a video call, authorization so that a proxy can collect their retirement.

To verify the change of payment to the RUT Account, check dates and payment method, you can enter www.chileatiende.cl or call the Call Center (101). In addition, those who have forgotten their RUT Account password or need a reprint of the card can request it through the BancoEstado Call Center (800 835 050).
