Servel asked the Democratic Revolution to clarify contributions from its parliamentarians


The Electoral Service announced that it will oversee the contributions received by the Democratic Revolution from its parliamentarians, as a result of the denouncement of the deputy Renato Garín (former RD), who revealed that the legislators of the party “do not donate half of their salaries” -as they supposedly maintain-, but that these silvers go to a common fund to finance the campaigns of the store.

The issue has been in vogue in Congress in the last week and several debates have been held, with the right constantly questioning the Frente Amplio community, raising doubts about the “legality” of the contributions and criticizing that, according to them, the main Visible RD faces said they “donated” part of their diets.

Deputy Giorgio Jackson, the main public figure of the party, has accused a “misrepresentation” of the situation, regarding the existing agreement in the DR, and maintains that it has repeatedly made the contributions transparent: “This is something that since 2014 I have posted, not only on my page website explicitly, but I have said it more than 14 times in interviews, whether on radio, television and the written press, “he explained this Monday in Cooperative.

In this framework, the director of the Servel, Raúl García, He stated that “he will request the party to income account detail and backup, in order to monitor compliance with the obligation established in article 39 of Law 18,603 on Political Parties, as regards the maximum annual contribution for affiliates and non-affiliates, together with the respective issuance, accounting, integrity and veracity of the 2019 receipts of contributions “, published today The Mercury.

The Servel too Jackson will officiate to “clarify the amounts of his contributions to the RD party

García explained that the organism “controls the contributions of members and non-members of the parties, insofar as they must comply with the legal maximums. In this context, Servel officiated at the RD party so that report on contributions 2019 of the deputies of the party, to review the fulfillment of the established legal limits “.

Meanwhile, according to the newspaper, in the directive of the forehead store they detailed that the 3.4 million pesos that their parliamentarians contribute monthly are broken down into 1.1 million pesos for operational expenses of the community, 1.8 million pesos for parliamentary work and 578 thousand pesos that are deposited by each congressman in a personal account, as savings to finance future political campaigns.

For their part, UDI deputies Juan Coloma and Gustavo Sanhueza and RN Paulina Núñez and Sebastián Torrealba officiated at the Ethics Commission of the Lower House to analyze the case.
