Limit for reelection: Parliamentarians who could not run again


Finally on tuesday May 19 the Senate will see in the room the bill that limits reelection of parliamentarians, mayors, councilors and regional councilors.

The proposal is that deputies have a maximum of 2 re-electionsthat is, not to exceed 12 years in office; and that senators are eligible for only 1 reelection, to add a maximum of 16 years in office.

If approved retroactively, the initiative would leave a significant group of deputies and senators without a choice for reelection at the end of their current term.

In the senate, they could not re-apply for the same position:

  1. Andrés Allamand (RN), ends his term in 2022
  2. Carlos Bianchi (Independent), 2022
  3. Guido Girardi (PPD), 2022
  4. Juan Pablo Letelier (PS), 2022
  5. Alejandro Navarro (Progressive Country), 2022
  6. Víctor Pérez (UDI), 2022
  7. Jorge Pizarro (DC), 2022
  8. Isabel Allende (PS), ends her term in 2026
  9. Francisco Chahuán (RN), 2026
  10. Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI), 2026
  11. Ricardo Lagos Weber (PPD), 2026
  12. Jaime Quintana (PPD), 2026
  13. José García Ruminot (RN), 2026

In the lower house, the following deputies could not go to the election after finishing their term in 2022.

  1. Pepe Auth (Independent)
  2. Pedro Álvarez-Salamanca (UDI)
  3. Ramón Barros (UDI)
  4. Juan Luis Castro (PS)
  5. Fidel Espinoza (PS)
  6. René Manuel García (RN)
  7. Cristina Girardi (PPD)
  8. Rodrigo González (PPD)
  9. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC)
  10. Javier Hernández (UDI)
  11. María José Hoffmann (UDI)
  12. Carlos Jarpa (PR)
  13. Tucapel Jiménez (PPD)
  14. Issa Kort (UDI)
  15. Pablo Lorenzini (DC)
  16. Javier Macaya (UDI)
  17. Patricio Melero (UDI)
  18. Fernando Meza (PR)
  19. Manuel Monsalve (PS)
  20. Celso Morales (UDI)
  21. Iván Norambuena (UDI)
  22. José Miguel Ortiz (DC)
  23. José Pérez (PR)
  24. Leopoldo Pérez (RN)
  25. Jorge Sabag (DC)
  26. Marcela Sabat (RN)
  27. René Saffirio (Independent)
  28. Alejandro Santana (RN)
  29. Marcelo Schilling (PS)
  30. Alejandra Sepúlveda (RN)
  31. Gabriel Silber (DC)
  32. Guilliermo Teillier (PC)
  33. Victor Torres (DC)
  34. Ignacio Urrutia (Republican Party)
  35. Enrique Van Rysselberghe (UDI)
  36. Mario Venegas (DC)
  37. Matías Walker (DC)