Unemployment insurance, as its name correctly calls it, is insurance in charge of the Unemployment Fund Administrator, AFC, which provides economic protection to workers with an indefinite, fixed-term contract, or for work or services.
Its main benefit is a Amount of money that is given to the worker in the event of being laid off, or as this pandemic authorized, in the event of contract suspension under the Employment Protection Law. It also has pension and health benefits, family allowances, training scholarships and the National Employment Exchange.
When unemployed, the worker may withdraw the accumulated money in this account by monthly transfers according to the percentage of remuneration; and, if necessary and complying with the requirements, may also resort to the Solidarity Unemployment Fund, which is made up of contributions from employers and the State. Those who do not meet the requirements to access this unemployment insurance can apply for a unemployment benefit that is paid by the Social Security Institute or by the compensation funds.
Unemployment insurance is financed by the employer, the worker himself and the State, based on the following characteristics:
- If there is an indefinite contract:
- Contribution of the worker: 0.6% of his taxable remuneration.
- Employer contribution: 2.4% of the taxable remuneration of the worker (1.6% goes to the individual unemployment account and the rest to the Solidarity Unemployment Fund).
- If there is a fixed-term contract:
- Contribution of the worker: none.
- Employer contribution: 3% of the taxable remuneration of the worker (2.8% goes to the individual unemployment account and the rest to the Solidarity Unemployment Fund).
- The monthly taxable limit to calculate the Unemployment Insurance quotes for 2019 is 119 UF.
How to collect unemployment insurance:
To collect this insurance is it is necessary to be unemployed and have six contributions, if the contract is for a fixed term and 12 if the contract is for an indefinite term.
- Go to a branch of the Unemployment Fund Administrator, with your current identity card and the settlement or document proving the unemployment.
- When your request is approved, the same branch will indicate the date and place of payment.
- In the event that the worker is entitled to the Solidarity Unemployment Fund and opts for it, the AFC must send to the National Employment Exchange (BNE) the name, RUT and contact details of the person requesting payment of their unemployment.
- Also this procedure can be done online.
