Shots into the air and fireworks: curfew incidents left 10 detainees in Conchalí


Conchalí police detained 10 people who, throwing fireworks and shooting into the air at the curfew, commemorated the anniversary of the death of Bastián López Reyes, alias “El pollito”, which a year ago became a symbol of the Government and Carabineros’ fight to control the so-called “narcovelorios” or “high-risk wakes.”

Those involved were apprehended this Wednesday morning in the Population Santa Inés for violating Article 18 of the Penal Code, for not respecting the danger of public health in times of pandemic, in addition to not complying with the movement restriction that governs from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day throughout the national territory.

The group remembered López’s death at the door of his house in the town, the same point where He died on Sunday, May 12, 2019 after receiving more than 10 shots from a moving vehicle in a “reckoning” between rival gangs.

“Carabineros, together with the Army, carried out a preventive service in the surroundings and these 10 people began to launch blunt objects and make use of fireworks, so they proceeded to the scene,” achieving the capture of the subjects, the captain reported. Juan Pablo Cáceres, from the police institution.

By order of the Prosecutor’s Office, the individuals were warned, that is, in freedom and waiting to be summoned by the Justice.

A year ago, the young man was fired at a wake that lasted three days in Conchalí, one of the longest remembered in the city of Santiago, and included fireworks, heavy gunshots, noise bombs, and loud music, especially at dawn, even motivating the intervention of the Special Police Operations Group (GOPE) of the uniformed institution.

But it was not the only thing: his funeral procession reached the city of Chillán, in the Ñuble Region, where the coffin was authorized to enter the prison where his mother was detained since 2018 for drug trafficking.

After this case, the Government promoted a protocol to face high-risk funerals with six measures, ranging from a new exclusive analysis unit, to police operations prior to the start of the funeral and, eventually, during the same if the level of risk so determines.

In the same way, a matrix was developed to determine the level of risk of each funeral in particular and a final report will be prepared, with the objective that the prosecution initiate an investigation if appropriate.
