24Horas.cl Tvn
Carabinieri reported the finding in Litueche of a 15-year-old girl for which there had been a complaint for alleged misfortune since September 2019when he didn’t come home in Conchalí.
As reported by Major Italo Roco, from the third police station in Pichilemu, a phone call from the minor herself reported a complaint, where she said she was locked inside a room.
Benefited with commutative pardon is detained for participating in robbery and sexual abuse
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Police personnel arrived at the scene of the event and found a subject, 27 years old and of Colombian nationality, reporting the presence of the minor.
The Pichilemu Prosecutor, Rodrigo Troncoso, referred to the facts, indicating that according to the minor’s account, “he had arrived in Litueche in January and that he maintained a relationship of coexistence with this subject of Colombian nationality.”
The conflict would have been caused by a “relationship problem”, after “she would have used marijuana while they were together”, for which the accused would have locked her for 3 days in a room from which he would only let her out when he wanted “For example, when he wanted to eat, he would let her out to cook and then lock her up again,” said the Prosecutor.
The subject was identified as Cristián David Gómez Bernal, who He resisted the uniformed forces, even causing a fracture in one of the involuntary policemen.
“The victim said that he had a relationship of coexistence with the accused”, said the officer, adding that in the last days the aforementioned locked her in a room for three or four days after having problems.
Likewise, it maintained that the affected party itself “He claimed to have a relationship of coexistence with man for over a year”, maintaining that the teenager is a native of the city of Santiago and that she had various wounds on her body.
#Carabineros of Tenure #Litueche They arrested a subject who had kidnapped a 15-year-old girl. The minor
He had a complaint in force for alleged misfortune since September 2019, filed in the metropolitan region. #OrenyPatria pic.twitter.com/qfukLM3yJJ– Carab_Ohiggins (@carab_ohiggins) May 12, 2020
Police personnel carried out various procedures on the case, giving notice to the local Prosecutor’s Office in Litueche.
The institution also indicated that in the case, the minor had maintained a complaint for alleged misfortune since September 2019, in the commune of Conchali.
The Litueche Guarantee CourtFor his part, he formalized Gómez, decreeing preventive detention during the 120 days of investigation for the crimes of less serious injuries in the context of domestic violence, simple threats and mistreatment of police officers.