Shelter only “is justified when there is a limited period”


This Monday, the mayor of the Metropolitan Region, Felipe Guevara, referred to the situation they live in hundreds of Venezuelan citizens in our country, who request the government of Venezuela to repatriate, since they are out of work and living on the street.

In total they are about 200 people who have been camping outside the Venezuelan Embassy for three weeks, located in Providencia, requesting help due to their financial situation.

We call on the Venezuelan government to take the people who are from their country and to transfer them to Venezuela as soon as possible.“Said the metropolitan authority.

Along the same lines, he questioned that “unlike what happens with neighbors of other nationalities, where the country of origin, like Bolivia, recognizes the quarantine of people here in Chile to allow them to enter Bolivia, Venezuela does not do the same

Also read: More than 200 Venezuelans sleep outside the embassy: some do not even have a tent

It is for the above that he explained “There is little point in taking them to a shelter, because the shelter is justified when there is a limited period of stay

According to the testimonies delivered by Venezuelans outside the embassy, ​​some of them are from the senior citizens and many children, others are sleeping even without a tent or greater shelter, many lost their jobs during the social outbreak and were unable to recover before the arrival of the new coronavirus.

In addition, residents of the sector have helped them delivering food and clothing to bundle up during cold nights. While a church provides the bathroom for them to relieve themselves.

Among the testimonies are that of mothers who are with their sons and daughters of few months of life they sleep outside and even that of a young man who adopted a cat, but cannot take it to Venezuela because he needs vaccines, which you cannot access due to lack of resources, so ask for help to keep these requirements up to date and not abandon the animal.
