Government withdraws Interior Decree from the Comptroller that authorized municipal inspectors to supervise quarantine compliance


Around 7:30 pm on Monday, the Ministry of the Interior officiated at the General Comptroller of the Republic to withdraw the decree with which it sought to increase the oversight capacity that the municipalities currently have.

Through that document, the government materialized an announcement made last week by the President Sebastián Piñera in order that the municipal inspectors could collaborate with the police and the Armed Forces in the work of monitoring compliance with quarantines and curfews in the different communes of the country. This, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

However, the decision had been questioned by some mayors and parliamentarians, who stated that such a measure should be governed through an amendment to the Organic Law of Municipalities and not through a decree.

From the government they indicated that the determination to withdraw the document is to introduce some clarifications on the scope of the new powers, but that does not imply going back on the decision to grant powers to the municipalities. And they added that there is another decree, sent by the Ministry of Health to the Comptroller’s Office, which establishes other powers from the seremis to the municipal inspectors. Regarding this last document, in the Executive they indicate that it remains as it is.
