Since coronavirus cases began to spread around the world, health experts have reiterated the importance of washing hands well and regularly to prevent the spread of the disease.
To graphically show how effective this measure is, the Japanese public channel NHK He carried out a simple experiment to demonstrate how easy and fast a virus spreads in a social context where a person did not wash their hands well.
In the sequence, which was advised by experts, a person who acted as “first infected” was selected. An invisible liquid was applied to one of his hands. The substance was fluorescent and could only be seen when the light went out.
Then, the individual was placed in a room with 10 other people to enjoy a buffet meal for around 30 minutes.
As time passed, the lights went out to see where there were traces of the tint. The surprise was great, since there were marks on almost all the utensils: plates, tongs and drink jugs, in addition to the hands of all the participants. Even 3 of them had spots on their faces.
ク ル ー ズ 船 で 感染 拡 大 を 招 い た と さ れ る 接触 感染 が ど の よ う に し て 起 き る の か, NHK が 専 門 家 と 共同 で 実 験 を 行 っ た と こ ろ, ウ イ ル ス に 見 立 て た 塗料 は 多数 の 人 が 触 る も の を 介 し て 広 が るこ と が 確認 さ れ ま し た tthttps: //t.co/exeyyRXQiD pic.twitter.com/NCHGyJyXRw
– NHK ニ ュ ー ス (@nhk_news) May 8, 2020
According to the Japanese channel, this simulation was performed to show how contagions could have spread so quickly on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Recall that the ship was quarantined for two weeks in Yokohama, where 700 of the 2,000 passengers were infected and 13 of them died.
The video, shared by the television station on Twitter, went viral, reaching 5.7 million views in just a few days.
This sequence reminds that in addition to maintaining the social distance of 1.5 meters with other people, leaving the house as little as possible, coughing on the elbow and wearing a mask in public places, washing hands with soap and water is one of the measures that we should not neglect.