They return to the charge: 45 opposition deputies persist in the idea of ​​repealing the law decree that supports the AFPs


A large part of the opposition in Congress persists in his idea of ​​nationalizing the AFPs.

Although this week they suffered a setback, given that the Chamber of Deputies declared inadmissible the bill on this subject promoted by the deputy Camila Vallejo (PC), now a group of parliamentarians return to the charge.

These are 45 opposition deputies, from the Frente Amplio, PS, PPD, PC and Regionalists, who signed a letter supporting the repeal of Decree Law 3,500 of 1980 that consecrates the AFP.

In the letter, the congressmen support the decision that five senators – headed by Alejandro Navarro (PRO) – presented to advance the repeal of the 3,500 D.L and give way to a debate on a new public social security system for Chile as soon as possible.

“It is four decades since its implementation and the results are irrefutable. This system does not work for our country, it failed socially and does not guarantee decent and sufficient pensions. A pension system must be measured according to its own mission, that is, granting pensions that mean sufficient financial protection through pensions in old age, disability and death. In these three purposes, the AFPs did not meet this objective. Today, a considerable number of pensioners are struggling on the threshold of poverty and what is worse, future generations are condemned to a similar situation and even worse, “they argue in the letter.

Therefore, they add that “having clear that this demand has been raised for many years by citizens, it seems pertinent not to further delay the decision and immediately open the debate on a new system, which absolutely respects the savings of each of the current affiliates and is complemented by a new solidarity savings, which allows paying sufficient and dignified pensions to all and all Chilean women ”.

Discuss the pension system “from scratch”

The deputy and president of Social Convergence, Gael Yeomans, maintains that “we have signed this declaration (…) because the debate on pensions has not concluded at all.” He adds that in this health and economic crisis “the problems that exist in light of the individually funded pension system that we have have been revealed, which leaves everyone scratching their own nails and with a drop in pension funds.”

Therefore, the congresswoman states that “this debate cannot be hidden, we have to face it and respond to retirees today and the future. That is why we have to present the different options that exist, with a debate that starts from scratch, not on the current system and that can deliver decent pensions to Chilean women and men. ”
