Everton confirms positive case of coronavirus in its establishment after performing a PCR test | Soccer


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CONTEXT | Cristóbal Escobar | Agency One

The Everton club in Viña del Mar confirmed that one of its players tested positive for PCR examination, with what became the first case of a soccer player in Chile to have coronavirus.

The player – whose identity has not been disclosed – had tested positive for a rapid sample last Wednesday to detect the presence of Covid-19. As a result of this, a PCR test was performed which today ratified the coronavirus.

Following this, the player extended his preventive quarantine to a mandatory measure for 14 days and it will be evaluated daily by the institution’s medical area to monitor its evolution.

From the club they assured that “since the beginning of this health crisis, Everton has incorporated an operating protocol with high levels of demand, which was redirected depending on the return of the players’ vacations ”.

These measures include, for example, the performance of a massive rapid test to detect the presence of Covid-19, a test that initially will be repeated every 15 days.

The applied protocol also establishes a daily monitoring in which every morning a call is made to confirm the health status of each of the members of the campus.
