Argentina registered this Sunday another record of coronavirus infections in a single day, with 258 new cases and almost two thirds of them only in the city of Buenos Aires, and totaling a 6,034 cases and 305 deceased, on the eve of the country entering this Monday in a phase of greater flexibility in the quarantine.
The president, Alberto Fernández, affirmed in a letter released tonight that Argentina is entering a new stage of “Progressive, careful and responsible opening” but he warned that “going out is to go looking for the virus”, so he called for “strengthening prevention to avoid contagion” of Covid-19.
“In recent days we have seen and heard spokesmen for economic openness pressing any argument to end the quarantine, a measure that has been taken in many countries around the world. But none has ever managed to demonstrate that the end of isolation has served the economy. Because, in reality, it has only served to increase contagion and deaths, without avoiding economic deterioration, “said Fernández.
Quarantine easing
Argentina has been in social, preventive and compulsory isolation since March 20, and in view of the easing of the contagion curve, the Government ordered a progressive reopening of activities throughout the country, except Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area, where 67% of all cases are concentrated nationwide.
In the coming days, various commercial items will reopen and more than 600 industries will return to production after 50 days of inactivity, but suspension of classes and long-distance public transport will continue, while the borders will remain closed.
The president called for “doing everything possible to avoid public transport“In cities and instructed that” large companies will have to ensure the displacement of their employees by their own means. “
Fernández anticipated in his letter that if there is a breach of the prevention provisions, the Government “Must go back” with the relaxation of the quarantine.
The president appreciated the collective effort: “The Argentines and the Argentines have made a contract to take care of ourselves. A contract so that the impact of the pandemic is compatible with our health system. We have come a long way and continue to work, “he stressed.
Buenos Aires, focus of infections
The gradual reopening of economic activity will take place simultaneously with the increase in cases in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), which brings together the Argentine capital and the populous urban cordon that surrounds it but which belongs to the province of Buenos Aires, the most populated region in the country with about 13 million inhabitants and where a large part of the main industries is installed.
The increase was driven by the increase in infections, especially in vulnerable neighborhoods of the city, where the Government launched a plan to detect people with symptoms and avoid new transmissions.
This Sunday they registered 258 new cases nationwide, the highest number recorded in a single day since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Health reported tonight.
Of that figure, 165 were detected in the city of Buenos Aires, 51 in the province of Buenos Aires and 32 in the province of Chaco (northeast).
In the last 24 hours, five people died, three in the province of Buenos Aires and two in the capital, bringing the total number of deaths from coronavirus to 305.