Minister Rubilar for the suspension of classes: “Of course, this was not a mistake. We made the right decision. ”


Government spokeswoman Karla Rubilar explained that it was not a mistake to suspend classes after ambiguous statements by the Minister of Health Jaime Manyalich about the closure of schools.

In an interview with Meganoticias Prime, Rubilar explained that the day before the classes were suspended, there was a meeting with the presence of the President of the Republic, Sebastian Pinhera, and what happened to us, we, as the government, wanted to create a vaccination process for children during the classes for several days, to organize training tele-education, teachers and students, and coordinate the entire logistics of nutrition. ”

“That is why we did not want to directly suspend work at that moment. The mayors thought it was necessary to suspend work at that time, and the president decided to coordinate his actions with the mayors in order to give a clear and definitive signal about what actions in the field of health should be carried out. ” he explained.

Thus, he added that the president “approved the decision on a nationwide network on Sunday, where he said that they will not return to classes on April 27, but we will suspend them and we will begin the gradual process to return when the peak is over, from May” .

Strong rejection of the words of Jaime Manalic about the closure of schools

The health minister said it was a mistake for schools to stop working because of the coronavirus pandemic because, he said, “we left the children without a vaccine, without education, without food and without protection.” Mayors and teachers criticized the health authorities, and the Minister of Education said that it was decided to “listen to all participants.”

Citing Minister Manalich’s statements, a spokeswoman for La Moneda claimed that the suspension of classes “was certainly not a mistake. We made the right decision with the arguments that were at the time, with the scientific evidence that the community said.”

“If the children were in the classroom, we would probably go with a priority group of children, and then, if they were removed, we could vaccinate them,” he added.

“But since the classes were suspended, we redirected the vaccines to the elderly, medical staff and others, and we told them that it was real, the mayors, that the money transfer should have arrived in mid-April in order to finish vaccinating the children. children, and that we had before the end of April and mid-May to complete this vaccination, “he said.

“Now more than 700 thousand doses are being received so that mayors can vaccinate our children and, we hope, reach 80% of this target population,” he confirmed.
