Uncensored release of Anita Alvarado after acid comment


During some time, Angie Alvarado lives outside the country with Rodolfo CamkeYour current partner.

However, the most difficult part of this situation was to stay away from his family, especially from his brothers and his mother, with whom he always had close relations.

After that, he found a special way to be near her.

“From Australia, @desayunosysorpresashappyday helped me surprise mom.” Because it doesn’t have to be a special day to say that I love you, that I miss you, mommy … And richer than breakfast in the doorway of your house, cooked with love, with dedication … For this big thanks @desayunosysorpresashappyday, I recommend it 100%, and now that Mother’s Day is coming, it’s a great idea for them not to leave home, ”Angie wrote in her Instagram post.

Of course, there was no shortage of inappropriate comments because, although it is obvious that the box contains a rich breakfast, a user called @ edmundopizarro4 left Angie a rude message.

“He … of course,” he wrote. Given this, Anita Alvarado no he reacted to rage, but left it in its place: “Bag Hu… .. Well, you have to look at your face to know that they did not give birth to you, they screwed up with you. TARDI! “Was his answer.

Check out the comment here.
