He is an academic at Imperial College London and director of the virology laboratory at the University of Padova. Besides, Andrea Crisanti He is responsible for the epidemiological control of the Veneto region of Italy.
This area had best response to the Covid-19 pandemic in northeast ItalyUnlike what happened in Lombardy. There are 906 victims in Veneto, and 11 142 dead in the neighboring region.
Crisanti says the difference is that “We focus more on prevention than on treatment.”explaining that “the curve was identical at the beginning. Then ours smoothed out. The secret is that we immediately turn off the focus. ”
The expert emphasizes that the key was the use of the coronavirus test:Every time there was a sick person, we did this with his family, we isolated all contacts“The territory had a strong presence.”

Virologist Andrea Crisanti
Virologist indicates Country that “about 200,000 were used in Veneto. About 20 tests for a diagnosed case”, which allowed them to better control infections in a region with nearly five million inhabitants.
For the Italian expert, epidemic experience was fundamental to the region, and he criticizes that “ World Health Organization said the same and the opposite throughout the epidemic, Calamity. “
Andrea Crisanti even more insistently refers to the plan of some governments – such as Chilean – to provide an immunity card and emphasizes that “This is a huge nonsense. I don’t even want to hear about it.”,
The academician goes further and pays attention that “talking about immunity at this stage seems unjustified to me“It is not proven that defeating an infection protects.”

A doctor is waiting in an empty ward of a recovery hospital in Padua