Use or not use Masks? WHO and various studies respond


Mass purchase of masks by the general public can lead to shortages in places where it is most needed. That would be much more serious now that trade policy is shrinking the international mask market. Also, the mask is not a panacea for the virus. We must insist that we also close our eyes, and if people wear a mask, but they don’t wash their hands, do not clean the products they buy, and do not change their clothes; the chances of getting the virus and returning it home remain high.

[[[[Before starting this article, it is important to remember that the debate about the use of the mask is a secondary problem, since most experts agree that the main measures to curb infection are social isolation and constant hand washing. The purpose of this column is to provide a clearer picture of the proper use of the mask and how the coronavirus works..]

Coronavirus in the air

March 27 World Health Organization (WHO) published report in which, based on the available data, they did not recommend the use of masks for the general public, only for medical personnel and patients. This is because, according to their research, the coronavirus was not transmitted by air. This recommendation does not comply with government policies and regulations of other countries and health associations such as China.

According to the WHO, the virus is not transmitted through the air, but through close contact, because an infected person displaces droplets of saliva or mucus that contain the virus due to coughing or sneezing. Danger of infection arises when you are near this person or when you touch the surface on which one of these drops fell, which can move 1 or 2 meters before falling to the surface or dissolving in air.

This was contrary to the publication of the magazine. New England Medical Journal (TNEJM), which stated that Sars-Cov-2 can be in the air for up to 3 hours. The study, which resulted in these conclusions, was conducted by North American experts from various institutions, and also observed the duration of the spread of the virus on different surfaces, such as cardboard and metal. With this in mind, WHO has stated that coronavirus behavior in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory, cannot be compared with its effects in the open air.

Along with the publication of TNEJM magazine, professor and researcher Lisa Brosso published article in which he explains that the largest particles have sizes from 5 to 15 microns; They remain in the air for several minutes until they finally remain on the surface. On the contrary, the smallest particles, i.e. aerosols, which by definition have a diameter of less than 5 microns, can remain in the air for many minutes, even hours. This will be the average particle size of SARS-VOC-2.

But much earlier, March 9, South China Morning Post It has already published a study by experts from the Chinese government that has long supported the theory of virus viability than previously thought. Investigators analyzed the case when a person was riding a bus from Wuhan, not knowing that he had become infected and that he had infected more passengers on the bus. The case was registered due to the fact that according to the law, cameras were installed on all intercity buses. This happened on January 22, before the coronavirus was declared an emergency in the country, so no one in the transport wore a mask.

The “zero passenger” traveled without coming into contact with anyone on the bus, whose windows, as it should be noted, were closed. When the bus got to another city, there were already 7 infected, including those who sat at a distance of 4.5 meters from the “passenger zero”. Even when half an hour has passed since Zero left the bus, other people got into this public transport, and one of them was infected, she was sitting at a distance of 1 meter from the place occupied by the “passenger”. zero. ” The conclusion of this case is that under certain conditions, such as air conditioning or blocking, the virus can remain in the air for more than half an hour and travel a distance of more than 4 meters.

Finally, a week ago the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a study that confirmed that the virus can be transmitted through aerosol, that is, particles in the air, reaching up to 8 meters from its point. emissions. Therefore, there is a chance of infection by air. Although, on the other hand, WHO also added that, after analyzing 75,465 cases of COVID-19 in China, there were no reports of airborne transmission.

To wear or not to wear masks?

In the days when WHO published its report, the journal the science posted an interview with George Gao, CEO China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In a note, a Chinese scientist called a serious mistake on the part of the West not to encourage the use of masks. This is because when people talk, they always release droplets or small drops, and if a person is asymptomatic or asymptomatic, it is impossible to predict whether there will be a risk of infection. Therefore, you should always wear a mask, regardless of whether one or the other is infected without knowing it. In this regard, the magazine National geographic He explained that, saying, people can throw 600 drops per minute, while when we sneeze we can throw up to 40 thousand.

A week ago, WHO stated that its experts were studying new data and were ready to change their initial recommendations if necessary. As for the masks, it must be emphasized that not all of them serve to filter the virus. For example, conventional surgical masks were not designed to meet the purpose of filtering external particles, but to protect the environment of the user who uses them. So which mask is recommended?

Most recommended is the standard N95 mask, equivalent to the standard FPP2 mask, which can filter at least 95% of particles larger than 0.3 micrometers. This does not exclude the possibility that it can filter out 97 or 98% of the particles; In addition, it can also filter out smaller particles. As for the micrometer, this unit is equivalent to 0.001 millimeter (mm) and is also called micron (micron).

But specifically, how big is a coronavirus? It is important to know the effectiveness of the masks. Lisa Brosso quotes an article in which they discovered aerosol particles present in Wuhan hospitals. In this case, they identified particles larger than 2.5 microns, and others – from 0.25 to 0.5 microns in size. Largest particles will take several seconds or minutes to settle on the surface. While the smallest will be less susceptible to gravity, that is, instead of falling to the ground, they will be subject to diffusion: they will begin to dissolve in the air after a few minutes or hours. During this time, they have the opportunity to penetrate the body. But due to their size, the N95 and FPP2 masks can best stop them.

On the other hand, study Conducted by various Chinese experts and published on January 24 this year in the aforementioned TNJM magazine, it was announced that the diameter of SARS-COV-2 is between 0.14 and 0.06 microns in diameter. Thus, it will be much less than the capacity that the above masks can filter.

It must be clarified that no scientific publication was found to complete this article that dispelled doubts about the exact size of the coronavirus. Since its size can vary in air, when transported in drops of saliva or mucus. This explains the size difference indicated by different experts. Quoting specialist Lisa Brosso, “we can say that we are still collecting evidence.”

However, the famous company ISESA published note on your website to clarify to your customers the true effectiveness of the masks. In this, the company explains that “N95 standard states that a respirator must filter at least 95% of particles with a diameter of at least 0.3 microns,” and adds that this does not mean that it cannot filter particles smaller than size. “During the tests, it was shown that some respirators filter particles up to 0.007 microns in size, but there is no certification based on a smaller diameter.”

An explanation of this company can give us more confidence regarding the effectiveness of the masks of this regulation. But this is not enough to trust us, particles not only enter the body through the mouth or nose. Our eyes are also an entrance way, therefore it is necessary to accompany the masks with protective lenses or to wear a full-face mask instead.

What about surgical masks? As originally stated, these masks are designed to protect the user’s environment, and not vice versa. But they are also not completely useless, since they can contain the largest particles, although their filtering ability is much less. study published in March 2006 National Center for Biotechnologyconfirmed the effectiveness of the N95 mask and instead showed that the surgical mask would have difficulty with particles containing 0.01 and 0.08 microns in diameter. However, a standard surgical mask was able to maintain a percentage of these tiny particles.

Young man in a protective mask


Why should the general public really wear a mask? For the odds ratio. A person may be an asymptomatic patient and begin to infect other people without knowing it, however, if I used a mask, this would not have happened. Similarly, this person may come into contact with someone who has no symptoms, who does not know that he is a carrier of the virus, or who still has mild symptoms, and becomes infected. Although the mask does not cover the entire face, it reduces the likelihood of infection. In addition, the general use of the mask can positively affect people’s minds, reminding them that there is a virus outside, so they must take the necessary precautions.

Why shouldn’t the general public wear masks? Lisa Brosso’s article provides encouraging but gloomy information in response. The general public is less exposed to doses of infectious particles, which can lead to infection. Regarding this, another Research Article In a publication published a week ago, it was noted that during the heyday of the virus in Wuhan, only 1-3% of those infected were evacuated, they did not have symptoms. Thus, we have a great chance to notice when someone is infected. Thus, the general public can be a little calmer, stay at a distance and constantly wash their hands.

But instead, healthcare providers who work closely with people with symptoms are most at risk of infection. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to store the meter in a hospital, it works indoors, with little ventilation, and, above all, during various medical procedures, such as intubation, it is more exposed to aerosol particles of coronavirus. For this reason, it is they who need constant and priority use of masks.

Mass purchase of masks by the general public can lead to shortages in places where it is most needed. That would be much more serious now that trade policy is shrinking the international mask market. Also, the mask is not a panacea for the virus. We must insist that we also close our eyes, and if people wear a mask, but they don’t wash their hands, do not clean the products they buy, and do not change their clothes; the chances of getting the virus and returning it home remain high.

Given all this, if someone still needs to wear a mask, it is best to encourage the manufacture of their own masks. Thus, a possible deficit can be reduced. But the most recommended and most effective against this virus is to maintain strict social isolation, to leave home as little as possible during the week, limit the number of people in public places, declare quarantine and constantly wash hands.

#QuedateEnCasa #CuarentenaNacional

Alex Dixon Fajardo Cisternas
