Images of Covid-19 attacking a healthy cell


Brazilian scientists from the Oslodo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) photographed the sequence of the exact moment when Covid-19 attacks healthy cells.

This is one of many studies conducted at the institute. understand and find a cure for coronavirus it affects everyone.

Shocking images were taken using an electron microscopedescribes in detail how the process of cell infection with the virus.

In the following image you can see a series of black dots that are viral particles of the pathogen They try to influence the cytoplasm of the cell to reach the nucleus where the genetic material of the cell is located.

Covid-19 begins to chase cells (EFE).

Then, in the second entry, it is seen when the process of infection with the coronavirus begins.

Covid-19 begins to infect cells (EFE).

In the last image, the cell is registered with viral particles already inside it, completely infected.

Covid-19 has already infected cells (EFE).

This study seeks to better understand the reproduction process of coronavirus in order to obtain more information for drug development.

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