How to register my dog ​​or cat in the National Registry of Pets?


For many, dogs or cats have become one more member of Chilean families, so enrolling them in the National Registry of Pets It is not only important, but also mandatory. But How do i do it

This law is framed in the National Program for Responsible Keeping of Pets, also called “safe pet”. Seeks to have a country-wide registry of our four-legged friends, and to promote responsible ownership.

For these purposes, they can only be registered Dogs and cats. Birds, hamsters, ferrets, spiders and all kinds of other pets are left out. It is also a requirement to have a microchip that it must comply with the ISO 11784 standard, that is, its unique number must contain 15 digits.

The other thing that is needed is a certificate from the vet that accredits all the data of the animal, and a simple permit, without being notarized.

The process can be perform online or in Municipalities across the country. Of course, people who have been sanctioned with absolute and perpetual inability to keep animals may not register pet animals.

Here we leave you the formal requirements for registration in the National Pet Registry:

  • Document that proves that you are the owner, owner, possessor or possessor of the animal. It can be any of the following: purchase ticket, transfer certificate, adoption certificate, pedigree certificate, simple declaration and simple affidavit or other, in which the animal is identified with at least the following information: species, sex, breed, color, date of birth or estimated age, and any other data that serves to identify the animal. (If you do not have any of these documents, download the simple declaration and complete it).
  • Document with the data of the animal, which must be validated by a veterinary doctor, where he or the professional incorporates his name, identity card and signature. The data of the animal that must be accredited are: Name of the animal. Microchip number. Species. Sex. Race. Colour. Age by actual or estimated date of birth. Reproductive status.
  • You can present different documents that contain the requested information, such as: microchip implantation certificate, municipal sterilization program file, rabies vaccine certificate, health card, veterinary certificate, pedigree certificate or other.

This registration has no cost to the owner and must also be registered:

  • Potentially dangerous dogs.
  • Non-profit legal persons promoting and responsible tenure
  • Animal farms or vendors
  • Potentially dangerous dog kennels or vendors.
  • Keeping centers for pets.
National Registry of Pets Agency One
