The General Council of Official Medical Colleges (CGCOM) has requested before the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, as well as that of the Ministry of Health, the qualification for medical professionals of occupational disease who have been infected by Covid-19, so that they receive greater protection in their benefits of all kinds.
This request, backed by a report from the legal services of the CGCOM, has been endorsed by the Assembly of the General Council of Medical Colleges of Spain at its meeting held on May 1, parallel to the request from among other institutions for the World Health Organization (WHO), on the need for infected health professionals to be entitled to benefits for occupational injuries such as occupational disease, including compensation, rehabilitation and health services.
The request expressly claims the development of the necessary legal measures so that the coronavirus infection and all its sequelae in the health professionals of both the National Health System and Private Health that require sick leave, deaths or any other harm derived from care to the Covid-19 crisis, be recognized as an occupational disease for all purposes.
“The CGCOM considers that this request constitutes an act of justice, not only for the deceased professionals but also for all those infected in this pandemic. In this sense, it also intends to prosecute and ultimately prevent doctors from seeing themselves through this claim forced to resort to the courts of justice to obtain the change of contingency and the surcharge of benefits, not having economic loss by suppression of salary supplements and guards “, they insist.
Likewise, they request that this recognition also be extended in cases in which the death of the doctor has occurred, in order to recognize the benefits corresponding to the surviving relatives, since, with the current regulatory support, so that the death of a person due to coronavirus can lead to a widow’s pension caused by a professional contingency, it will be necessary to prove that the disease has been contracted at work.