The fifth season of Apex Legends is getting closer, and players are already beginning to look for clues on what to expect from the content of the game’s fifth season. To this small content will be added the official output of the first trailer for the next season of Apex Legends, which will be released this May 5 from 10:00 am.
The trailer involves following the story shown in the first clip of Respawn about the story of the character Loba, who will be the new legend to arrive in the game. Loba is the daughter of Marcos Andrade, the executive man known for his “scams” and acts of “theft” that led to his being assassinated by Revenant. After she became an orphan, she swore revenge and became a professional thief, according to what she said. the little short Stories From The Outlands.
With a ton of information prowling all over the web and conspiracies on what can finally come to the game, players are holding up high expectations for the game’s fifth season. In fact, one of the most surprising clues is the possibility of entering a secret area of Loba in the game.
Therefore, the launch of the trailer is expected to solve some current questions that players may have and understand more clearly the development of the story.