Two young pololos died this Monday after colliding a car against a street light pole in the commune of Lampa, in the northern sector of the city of Santiago.
The accident happened on the street Chief Colin, heading east, past the 1.00 in the morning, during the curfew that governs the entire country every night from 10 pm to 5.00 the next day.
“(The victims) are two adults: the driver, 20 years old and of foreign nationality, and his companion, a 19-year-old Chilean“said Captain Angélica Igor, round officer of the Santiago Norte de Carabineros Prefecture.
The Investigation Section of Traffic Accidents (SIAT) of Carabineros He was in charge of the expert opinions that will clarify the dynamics of the crash.
The speeding is the main hypothesis with which we are working today as a possible cause of the accident.
Lampa: Fatal traffic accident leaves two occupants of a vehicle dead. This is a couple of 20 and 19 years old, who were traveling through Cacique Colin to the east during curfew. Siat de Carabineros works on site. #CooperativaEnCasa pic.twitter.com/CE2UgFlKng
– Felipe Cofré (@_felipecofre) May 4, 2020