
Junji Biobío Regional Director
It stopped surprising us
the worrying figures that exist about the obese population in our country,
especially at an early age, being increasingly difficult to control at the level
National and international.
According to the latest study
carried out (2019) by the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (Junaeb) the
childhood obesity increased by 1.8 percent in children from pre-kindergarten to
first basic in relation to the year 2018, resulting in a
24.6% of children in kindergarten are obese. Furthermore, the first Atlas of Obesity
program carried out by the World Obesity Federation points out and projects us
that by 2030 there will be 294 thousand obese children between 5 and 9 years old.
Given the above, it is
It is essential that families protect the healthy routine of the little ones
of the home, trying to maintain meal times, volumes and variety,
taking advantage of the fruit and vegetables of each season. As also the activity at
outdoors, exercises and emotional tranquility.
It is in early childhood
when good eating habits are acquired and the family as the first
educator are best suited to train children in consumption
varied food, ensuring the necessary nutrients. Care must be taken that
the child does not acquire capricious and monotonous eating behaviors with
preference made some foods to the detriment of others that may lead to
eating an unbalanced diet.
We are the adults, the
first responsible for concentrating on the intake of our sons and daughters,
educating them in this area, and taking advantage of these instances to share in
family, dialogue different topics, and in turn form an adequate intake, including chewing
okay, keep your mouth shut while they do it, don’t talk while you eat,
spoon handling, among others.
It is also important
teach good water consumption and hydration by letting them know what is important
which is, and in the same way, physical activity outdoors.
With this, we are
anticipating that young people and adults present a lower risk of obesity, of contracting
chronic non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, strokes, disorders
venous, joint disorders, risk of oncological diseases,
emotional disorders, among others.
For the National Board of
Kindergartens will always be a priority for boys and girls and our
management is focused on generating for them the best development environments
and learning, because we know the importance of this stage for the future of
a person, and we are sure that if we concentrate properly from the
younger age, we will have healthy adults, active citizens and men and women
From our gardens
nurseries and nurseries we are helping to improve nutritional status and
healthier state of life since initial education and we will continue to do so
insistently every year.