After an emergency meeting in La Moneda, Minsal announces quarantine extension to Cerrillos, Quilicura, Recoleta and southern Santiago


This Sunday they were fulfilled two months since the first contagion of Covid-19 was released in the country on March 3.

Similarly, an increase in restrictive measures to contain the spread of the pandemic was announced on this day, especially in the Metropolitan Region, which has hosted a significant percentage of new infections.

The Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich announced that they will be quarantined starting next Tuesday at 10 pm for the communes of Cerrillos, Quilicura, Recoleta and the southern sector of the Santiago commune will be added, which currently did not have the sanitary restriction.

In addition, it was reported that the measure for the urban radio of Antofagasta and for Mejillones.

More than 530 thousand residents of the RM will enter quarantine for the first time since Tuesday, if the population of Quilicura, Cerrillos and Recoleta is added. To this must be added that Santiago (with 503 thousand inhabitants) will incorporate its southern part into quarantine.

Between Antofagasta and Mejillones, meanwhile, number approximately 440 thousand people. So, around 970 thousand Chileans will enter a total quarantine for the first time at 10 pm on Tuesday, with that number easily exceeding one million if the part of the Santiago commune that re-enters said measure is added.

Unlike other weeks, the announcement of new restrictive measures took place one Sunday, after an emergency meeting held by President Sebastián Piñera, with Mañalich and the undersecretaries of Public Health, Paula Daza, and of Assistance Networks, Arturo Zúñiga .

During the morning, Minister Mañalich had expressed concern about the situation in the Metropolitan Region, noting that “the call to goodwill of the citizens has not been sufficient in these locations in the city of Santiago.”

“We have to focus on what the coronavirus epidemic in Santiago has moved from the eastern sector to the western sector, to the southern sector, and somewhat north of the Mapocho river “, had pointed out this Sunday at noon.
