For some time now, uncertainty has arisen in many people about whether or not consuming cinnamon is harmful to our health. That is why we have created this article for you, so that you can finally solve this question.
Without a doubt, this aromatic species is used as natural home remedies since it works very well to regulate the menstrual cycle, relieve stomach discomfort or pain, even digestive pain, it also relieves heartburn and controls blood pressure.
However, it is important to highlight that hypertensive people have to be careful when consuming this product, since it is not a definitive solution to replace the medication required for their already defined pathology.
Although it is true that cinnamon, being a natural product, does not produce side effects that could harm our health, in short, it can affect the blood pressure of people suffering from hypertension.
If, on the other hand, you suffer from hypotension, then take a little cinnamon infusion, it can help you balance low blood pressure. But before doing so, it is best to check with your GP.
In short, you can consume cinnamon, as long as you do not exceed the dose recommended by your health specialist. In short, we hope that this information has been able to solve your doubts.