Coronavirus patient dies in the US because inmates did not know how to connect an artificial respirator | Society


A specialized magazine in the United States disclosed a tragic case that occurred in a New York hospital 2 weeks ago, reporting that one patient died because two Medicine inmates failed to connect the mechanical respirator.

The case was analyzed by The Wall Street Journal, and it reveals the complex situation in which health officials live in that country, where many times inexperienced professionals must be cared for by patients.

The event occurred in a compound called Montefiore Medical Center and it affected a woman who was 60 years old, who had arrived at the emergency department affected by severe breathing problems.

As detailed in the aforementioned media, when transferred to the ICU from the place, the inmates in charge did not know how to connect the medical team, so it could not be resuscitated in time.

With the passage of minutes the patient suffered cardiac arrest and died on the spot. The two young men were shocked by the situation and were sent home.

AFP | Referential
AFP | Referential

From The Wall Street Journal they indicated that this case reveals a severe crisis in the hospital sector, and more specifically at the Montefiore Medical Center, where dentists and even psychiatrists have had to take care of patients with Covid-19.

Along with that, it was reported that most of the inmates would have had to take care of patients older than 65 years, who are less likely to survive.

Meanwhile, internists and other professionals have chosen to care for patients who are younger and more likely to recover from the disease.

It should be noted that, weeks ago, 44 ​​inmates from the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens signed a letter that they sent to the executive director of the local Health and Hospital Corporation, reporting the critical situation in the place.

“As learners we are horrified and scared, paralyzed by feelings of helplessness and guilt”,

Added to that is the suicide of a New York emergency chief named Lorna Breen, when she was “overcome” by the health emergency.
