CUT prepares event for International Workers’ Day with pandemic safeguards | National


This Friday, the Unitary Central of Workers prepares a commemorative event for the International Workers Day, with special safeguards in consideration of sanitary restrictions.

Unlike in other years, a march along the Alameda axis was not called, and the speech will take place at the headquarters of the multigremial, with a reduced number of attendees.

The CUT president, Bárbara Figueroa, He explained that it would be “incoherent” to claim for prioritizing the health of workers, and expose them to a massive call.

Regarding the main axes of this commemoration, he pointed out that the slogan is “that workers do not pay the costs of the crisis”, so they will address the Government’s agenda in terms of employment.

The leader warned that, in a context of increasing layoffs and unemployment, if the current approach of the Executive is maintained, the health crisis will lead to a major social crisis.

In the National Association of Fiscal Employees, meanwhile, they will bow to the CUT convocation, and will seek to highlight the role of public and private workers who have had a fundamental role in the crisis, such as health workers, gendarmes, pharmacies, and other basic services.

The cultural activities will be broadcast via streaming, in addition to a call to install black flags in territories and workplaces, and a “saucepan for dignity” at 9:00 p.m.

The president of the Working Committee in the Chamber, the deputy of the Broad Front, Gael Yeomans, pointed out that this commemoration is an opportunity for the Government to advance in pending matters of social security, such as pensions and informality, in addition to emergencies that supposes the crisis.

For his part, the UDI deputy Patricio Melero, was confident that the Executive’s agenda will mitigate the impacts of the health crisis on employment.

An official commemoration in the Palacio de La Moneda is being evaluated in the Government, but it has not yet been confirmed.
