Taking into account that the school year for Medical Sciences students has not been interrupted, but the dynamics have been adapted based on the epidemiological situation existing in the country by COVID-19, the conclusion of the school year is expected for July .
This was implied today by Jorge González Pérez, director of Teaching at the Ministry of Public Health, when he appeared in the informative space Round Table, where he stressed that medical students have different characteristics from other careers, since from the first moment they are linked to people’s attention.
“We have not stopped the educational teaching process, it has only been reorganized,” he said, mentioning that due to COVID-19 the sector has given more strength to education at work.
He explained that, in undergraduate education, in general, the distance educational process has been maintained, promoting four hours of research and four hours of study in the afternoon; and that in some years and institutions the normal classroom curriculum has been continued.
González Pérez pondered that medical schools are territorial universities that extend throughout the country, since in all municipalities there are health institutions, such as polyclinics and doctor’s offices, which joins the potential of the Infomed portal, where it is possible to share information .
He said that in the case of postgraduate training has also been continued, with some adjustments depending on the specialty, and that improvement has been prioritized according to needs, especially in terms of confronting the existing epidemiological situation.
The measures taken include maintaining distance learning, specifying the expired contents of each training and seeing how to continue and evaluate those that are possible, planning what can be concluded when the course is resumed, developing the student’s independent work, extraclass work, and recognition of education at work and of the entire journey in each subject.
He commented that once it is possible to return to the face-to-face class, theoretical and practical contents not taught will be concentrated, maintaining the base curriculum, and will proceed to evaluate through a single final exercise, theoretical-practical-oral, or for a written theoretical exam, as approved for each subject.
He stated that the practical evaluation will be adapted to the conditions of each scenario, and that quality will be a fundamental principle.
According to the Director of Training, each career will have different ways of completing the studies.
In the case of Nursing and the medical rotary interns, they will carry out a unique oral theoretical-practical exercise in the last rotation that they do related to the modes of action of the profession, and that is their state exam.
In the case of vertical interns in Medicine, they will do a unique practical-theoretical-oral exercise of the specialty they are studying; and stomatology students will undergo a unique written theoretical exercise.
The Health Technology careers will have as evaluation a unique practical-theoretical-oral exercise according to the characteristics of the scenarios where it is carried out.
He added that it was decided to apply to the students of the course by meeting and of the short cycle programs all the adaptations that have been described for the subjects, and the forms of undergraduate evaluation, in order to guarantee the completion of their current school year.
Regarding postgraduate studies, he indicated the intention to continue training programs for specialists in Medical Sciences, applying the necessary flexibility, but without losing the rigor and demand.
In addition, he spoke about the idea of taking the course evaluation, promotion or graduation, that is, state exam, in all specialties, provided that the authorized training program has been completed and the conditions exist to do so.