Flags of mourning, saucepan for dignity and a solidarity concert: what is announced as an unprecedented commemoration of Labor Day


For the first time in the history of union movements, the commemoration of Labor Day will be without marches or mass demonstrations in Chile and the different countries of the planet. The scourge of the pandemic will constrain the celebration of May Day to various activities, most of which will be carried out virtually or from workers’ houses, apartments and companies.

The Central Unitaria de Trabajadores launched the graph that will accompany this May 1 with the slogan “People first: Let’s defend life with wages and decent work”. The call aims to put especial emphasis on demanding a turn in the management of the health crisis by the Sebastián Piñera government, which, according to the CUT, “taking advantage of the uncertainty and isolation of the population, is promoting laws and regulations that are only making the conditions more precarious of the workers of our country “.

Program cut

Casserole for Dignity

The official activities scheduled for this May Day by the CUT contemplate the speech of the president of the Central, Bárbara Figueroa, via streaming at 10:30 am, which will be broadcast on the CUT social networks and its website ( cutchile.cl). A mourning flag is also being convened: it consists of hanging, from the early hours of this Friday morning, black flags on the fronts of houses, buildings and workplaces, in protest of the wave of layoffs and job protection of the population.

At 7:00 p.m. tomorrow the International Solidarity Concert will be broadcast along with other trade union centers around the world and, at 9:00 p.m., a great Cacerolazo for Dignity will be announced that will be felt throughout the national territory for demand sanitary, economic and employment protection and salary measures implemented in a comprehensive manner.
