During this day, the President Sebastián Piñera chatted on the phone with him Argentine President Alberto Fernández, after the call that this one made to the former New Majority to “retake power”. Parliamentarians from the Chilean opposition described the government’s position as “double standard” and brought to the fore the relations that Sebastián Piñera has had with other Latin American countries.
The call lasted 45 minutes between President Sebastián Piñera with Argentine President Alberto Fernández, after the conflict that arose from the meeting held by the latter with representatives of the former New Majority.
Recall that Fernández called on the Chilean opposition to retake power, something that did not go down well in La Moneda, from where they immediately expressed their “profound surprise”, pointing out that the comments of the Trans-Andean leader are “interference in internal affairs From Chile”.
Yesterday, both presidents combined criteria and agreed that a good bilateral relationship must be maintained in order to face the pandemic and its economic effects in a good way.
Despite this, members of the ruling party continued to criticize. The RN deputy, Francisco Eguiguren, He pointed out that the opposition seeks to extract political returns from the pandemic, something that he described as “enormous pettiness.”
For her part, the deputy from the same party, Francesca Muñoz, He hopes that President Fernández “will not interfere again” in Chile’s internal policies.
In this regard, the opposition responded to criticism from the pro-government parliamentarians and pointed out that President Sebastián Piñera has also been related to internal policies in other countries.
Senator DC, Jorge Pizarro, recalled the support given by the Head of State to Juan Guaidó and the independent Alejandro Navarro defended Fernández, noting that there is no interference in the dialogue.
https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ag28reunion2.mp3Yesterday, President Sebastián Piñera spoke about the issue, calling the political world to unity and to adopt a new attitude in front of the scenario that exists in Chile.
Regarding the call and on regional reintegration, the president would have told his trans-Andean counterpart that Prosur seeks to be an element of coordination and not for ideological purposes.
Finally, and according to the Government, Fernández showed his intention to overcome the impasse.