Evelyn Matthei faces Mario Aguilar for eventual salary cut for Providencia teachers | National


The mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, and the president of the Teachers College, Mario Aguilar, had a confrontation after the declarations of the communal authority over an eventual reduction in teachers’ salaries.

In conversation with the morning Mucho Gusto, Matthei asked: “Are we going to continue paying the teachers for everything, while we cut everyone else’s wages?” Later, he added that “are we going to be able to continue paying them? I want to tell you that I don’t make it to the end of the year In the municipality. I’m cutting everyone’s wages. “

“Do you want to lower the teachers’ salary,” Aguilar questioned him; to which Matthei replied that “I think that if I am cutting everyone else, everyone should be cut except the Health ”.

After this, Aguilar assured that “You don’t have to lower anyone’s salary”. However, Matthei questioned that “why not? If I don’t make it to the end of the year, I don’t have money. I have $ 15 billion less. ”

“When there is an effort that all Chileans are living, a group cannot remain outside. All the workers of the municipality are receiving a substantial reduction in wages because I do not make it to the end of the year, “added Matthei.

Aguilar responded that “what Evelyn is saying is very serious, because she is receiving the grant in full, the ministry the school grant has not reduced any weight ”.

However, the community chief commented that “with the grant I do not pay even 60% of the costs of the schools. The subsidy does not reach me, the subsidy does not matter, if you want I distribute the entire subsidy between the schools and I do not put more money, but you know that with that they do not win. What the municipality puts in is $ 6 billion. ”

So far, the municipality has dismissed around 200 employees.

Round with controller

The Comptroller’s Office limited overtime pay on March 17 as a result of the telework contingency by Covid-19. In said opinion it was indicated that “regarding the possibility of carrying out extraordinary work by personnel subject to remote work as a measure arranged in the context of the health contingency, it must be concluded that, given that said tasks were provided, outside the place of work and without being subject to the control measures established in a normal situation, this it is not legally admissible ”.

However, according to La Tercera, a request for reconsideration from the municipality came to the Comptroller’s Office, since the decision affected the workers’ “constitutional guarantees”.

“The non-payment of overtime to the personnel who carry out their tasks by teleworking would generate a loss of their civil servants’ rights,” he added.

In response, the Comptroller’s Office indicated to Providencia that “in order to avoid enrichment without cause on the part of the Administration and the consequent affectation of the rights of the officials by not being paid for the extraordinary work, to which the recurring municipality alludes. , it can be concluded that the headquarters must refrain from arranging such work regarding the personnel who carry out their functions remotely ”,
