Nuevitas Medical Sciences students linked to active research


Nuevitas, Apr 27.- An important force for confronting COVID-19 is the active investigations carried out in Nuevitas by nearly 200 students from the Carlos J. Finlay branch of Medical Sciences, a method that supports the prevention actions of the System of Cuban Health throughout the country.

So far, future professionals from New York have investigated more than 341 thousand people against a universe per student of 50 houses, to achieve an adequate relationship in the community in search of people with respiratory symptoms associated with the new coronavirus.

According to information offered by Bismar Hernández, director of the local branch, students of Medicine, Stomatology, Nursing and technological careers are located in more than 20 Family Doctor and Nurse offices, in the seven popular councils of the municipality.

Likewise, he mentioned that in the case of the more distant Camalote, San Miguel and Santa Lucía, likewise, according to the organization planned in the corresponding Health areas, the students have a teacher in charge of supervision, and once the Daily research data is reported to the doctor’s office for primary care in cases reported with respiratory symptoms.

The compendium of the information collected by the students is reported daily by the Teaching Department to the Medical University of Camagüey and sent to the Ministry of Public Health for the computation of the results.

The director of the affiliate of Medical Sciences of Nuevitas meant that the students adopt all the hygienic-sanitary and protective measures to carry out the house-to-house investigation, including the proper use of the nasobuco and not entering homes.

He also highlighted the performance of this important work with responsibility and commitment that they carry out every day of the week, in addition to the integration of some twenty young people to the Ignacio Agramonte brigade to support other prioritized tasks in this industrial city in northeast Camagüey to combat COVID -19.
