He went shopping and found a newborn in a supermarket car


A customer from a supermarket in the city of Avila in Spain could not believe when she found a newborn in one of the cars.

The woman heard him cry and discovered that he was inside one of the cars that are available in the parking lot of the place.

“He was crying, he could see something dirty, but it seemed that he was not in bad condition, because I put my finger in his mouth and he calmed down,” Luis Merino told Diario de Ávila, a health professional who was buying in the place and that he listened when the young woman notified the establishment’s staff.

The baby was in a bag, naked and covered only by a sheet.

Both the emergency services and the police arrived at the scene and the little boy ended up being transferred to the Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles Hospital.

From the assistance center they assured that the child’s health is good and that they believe that he should have been born “two or three days ago”.

Police have declined to release further information on the incident, but an investigation was reported to have begun.
