8 basic exercises to train at home


We have been locked up at home for more than a month and many people are looking for some exercise to do. Connecting to the Yoga or Functional Training live seemed like a good idea, until things like: video call from the office began, it was time for lunch and we have not prepared anything, as soon as the meditation began, the bus woke up, the order arrived the super, the 3 wants to go to the bathroom or the 5 broke a glass. Apparently it was not as easy as we thought.

Therefore, it is best to do exercises when you have time, it can be either very early in the morning, or at night, or when you consider convenient. The thing is to move a little, it is necessary.

I will leave you below 8 basic exercises to do at home, alone or accompanied. They can even include children (the ones they have), invite their quarantine partner, or do it by video call with friends.


– Keep the body erect and support the forearms (from the elbows to the hands) on a wall.

– The elbows should be at the height of the shoulders and when I put the position together, I activate the whole body, feeling the glutes, arms and abs very firm.

– Push the wall with your forearms to activate even more.

This exercise can have different variations:

to. Change wall for chair. You can make an iron, even more inclined, making the support on your chair.

b. The other option, and a little more complex, is the iron on the floor. Same execution but 100% horizontal


– Rest your hands on the wall a little more than shoulder height.

– Activate the whole body so that the hip is well firm, this is essential.

– Flex both elbows bringing your face close to the wall.

Variations of this exercise:

to. Support your hands at just shoulder height (without the separation required by the previous exercise) and flex your elbows, bringing them back to your body. Thus, we change the pectoral work for triceps work.

b. Rest your hands on an armchair or chair to give you more difficulty.

c. And if you already feel ready, you can do the flexo extensions on the floor!


– Support your back on a wall and take a step with both feet about 30 cm from the wall.

– Spread your feet hip width apart.

– Keeping your back supported, flex your knees to make a 90 degree angle with your knees and hips.

– Hold the position for 10 seconds, go up to rest and repeat 5 times.

Exercise variation: Climb up and down 10 times without keeping the squat.


– From a standing position, do an abduction, with the leg stretched out and active.

– Separate and join 10 times.

– Then stretch for 5 seconds and make short openings 20 times.

– Then the other leg.

Variations for this exercise:

to. From the same position as the previous exercise, bring the leg behind the midline of the body, activating the gluteus and lower back, repeat the exercise 20 times on each side.

b. In position with 4 supports (knees and forearms), make a pendulum-like movement with one of the legs, bringing the knee to the chest and then kick back and up. Then the other leg.


With your back to a chair, table or armchair, support both hands at the width of the shoulders and flex elbows bringing them close to the body, without separating the elbows.

Variation: push up triceps on the floor.


– From the plank position with hand support (exercise 1, variation b), bring one knee to the chest, alternating legs.

– Always maintain an upright position, firm and stable body.

– The idea is to gradually improve the speed of execution and above all, the ability to activate the entire middle area.


– Mark position with feet aligned one in front of the other

– Flex both knees as much as possible, trying to make a 90º angle with both, first with one leg and then with the other.

– They can use a broomstick to help stability, and they will see that little by little it will improve knee flexion and control of movement.


– Sit in a comfortable chair, leaning back slightly.

– From this position, bring the knees to the chest and then stretch the legs forward, using force from the abdominal area.

Exercise variations:

to. Lie on the floor facing up, activate the trunk bringing the chin to the chest and then flex both knees towards the chest stretching them without resting them on the floor.

b. You can also try, with the same movement but in this other position.

Dew Hair She is a professor of Physical Education, graduated in 2011. She specialized in yoga and later in TRX and functional training. Since 2010 he has been a Personal Trainer.
