75.5% of the target population were vaccinated against influenza in the Los Rios region – Diario Lanco


This percentage of influenza vaccination corresponds to 136 thousand people, which is 181 155 people, which is the target population.

José Manuel Andrade, in charge of the Los Rios National Health Immunization Program, said that “To date, we have achieved coverage growth of 75.5%, which corresponds to 136 thousand people at risk, that is, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, elderly people and children. As for the older population, we have already achieved 78.7% of the progress, in the chronic – 100%, pregnant women 47% and children 56%. ”

The level of coverage of children is growing every day, as medical institutions organize vaccination against influenza in schools and colleges, which are carried out by groups or groups in order to avoid the accumulation of minors and parents, Andrade added.

Regarding influenza vaccination, other priorities included the military, cleaners, firefighters and transporters. Influenza vaccination operations for these populations will begin after the next batch of vaccines is received, which will take place after about April 15 and will be carried out depending on the availability of vaccines in each institution.
