6 years after Ayotzinapa: military arrest ordered for disappearance of 43 students in Mexico | International


The Mexican justice ordered the capture of soldiers allegedly involved in the disappearance, six years ago, of 43 students from the school of teachers of Ayotzinapa, in Guerrero (south), President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced this Saturday.

The president made the announcement during the presentation of a special report on the progress of the investigation, in which parents of the disappeared were present, who for years have identified the military as one of those likely responsible.

“Arrest warrants have been ordered against the military that will be executed. Zero impunity, whoever has participated and is shown will be judged, ”López Obrador warned.

Moments earlier, María Martínez Zeferino, mother of Miguel Angel Hernández Martínez, one of the students, demanded on behalf of the victims that the investigations be expedited.

“When are they going to arrive (arrest) the military?”, Asked Martínez Zeferino. “We wanted to arrive today 26 (September) with something else, understand us, it’s already been six years and we have nothing ”, stressed before the leftist ruler.

Following the report, Alejandro Encinas, Undersecretary of the Interior (Interior) and president of a truth commission created for the case, told reporters that there are “several” arrest warrants and they are already working on the location of the uniformed men.

The 43 students disappeared on the night of September 26-27, 2014 in Iguala, where they went to seize passenger buses that they would use to travel to a demonstration in Mexico City.

But they were shot by gunmen and police in collusion with the Guerreros Unidos drug trafficking cartel, who until now had been identified as the main responsible for the disappearance.

However, relatives of the victims, civil organizations and independent investigators of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights have demanded for years that the probable participation in the events of two Army battalions stationed in the area be investigated.
