A 5-year-old boy died this Tuesday afternoon after accidentally falling into a swimming pool in the commune of Graneros, O’Higgins region.
It is a minor than prior to the accident he was sharing with relatives at a private address in the city.
Upon realizing the situation, his close They gave him first aid to later transfer him to the Hospital de Graneros, site where the death was confirmed.
Aware of what happened, the prosecutor on duty instructed the Homicide Brigade (BH) and the Criminalistics Laboratory (Lacrim) of the PDI to investigate the circumstances in which the death occurred.
The commissioner Carlos Galvez Madrid, head of the Rancagüina BH, indicated that “in the investigations it was possible to establish with the external police recognition that the body did not present injuries attributable to third parties, maintaining signs of suffocation due to submersion.
Finally the Public ministry ordered that the boy’s body be handed over to his relatives, in order to continue with the process to bury him.