A 45 year old woman residing in Greater Santiago was left with life risk after her 35-year-old partner attacked her with a knife during the last hours.

The Ronda Norte officer, Lieutenant Walter Spreng, reported that personnel from the Recoleta Sur Sub-Police Station was in charge of the procedure, at around 04:30 this Monday.

After an alert from the neighbors, the police arrived at the couple’s home on Avenida La Paz, where they found the woman grave and bleeding.

The affected had at least a dozen stab wounds to your back, those that were caused by your partner.

A medical emergency team arrived at the place, which took her to the San José Hospital. He is under observation and life-threatening.

The person responsible, meanwhile, was arrested and he will have to face justice for frustrated femicide.

Finally, Carabineros explained that those involved are citizens of Peruvian nationality.

Violence against women

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