300 schools ask to return to classes: that it is safe, voluntary and gradual are the keys to the Mineduc Return Plan


About 300 requests to resume classes from different schools in the country So far it has received the Ministry of Education and there are already 60 schools throughout the country that began the stage of opening their doors to students.

In this context, the announcement of the Step by Step plan for the return to classes took place on the part of the Minister of Education, who emphasized that “face-to-face classes are irreplaceable and it is essential that in the measure of sanitary conditions and protocols allow it to make efforts to recover the school experience.

The return to the rooms must occur according to three fundamental conditions: security, voluntariness and gradualism. “No school is open if the health conditions and protocols are not met in that place or territory,” said Raúl Figueroa.

Likewise, the head of the Ministry of Education reiterated that the effects of the suspension of classes “translate into severe deterioration in learning, an increase in educational gaps and a possible increase in school dropouts that could cause 80,000 young people to leave the system as a consequence “.

According to the planning, there are 7 steps that give practical support to the Mineduc strategy: meet sanitary conditions; adapt health protocols; receiving sanitary kits to ensure compliance with requirements; establishments must comply with the protocol according to their reality, since there are 6,500 schools in the country; direct work with the educational community of teachers, assistants, parents and students; induction of the plan for all schools and officialization of the establishment before the Mineduc to start their classes.
