In a new health balance, the regional authorities reported 76 new cases and 3 people died from Covid-19 in the Coquimbo Region.
“I want to send my deepest condolences to the relatives and loved ones of 3 new people who died due to Covid-19 in the region, 2 belonging to the Ovalle commune and 01 to La Serena,” said the Alejandro García Health Seremi.
In addition, the Health Authority reported that the region reached 11,443 accumulated cases and 879 active. Regarding the detail of cases by commune, he pointed out that “14 cases are from La Serena, 29 from Coquimbo, 02 from Andacollo, 02 from Paihuano, 06 from Vicuña, 02 from Illapel, 02 from Los Vilos, 01 from Salamanca, 13 from Ovalle , 03 from Monte Patria, 01 from Punitaqui and 01 from another region ”.
Finally, Seremi García reinforced the message of self-care in this celebration “For these National Holidays I want to send a warm greeting to all the families of our region, I invite you to have a responsible celebration with your loved ones and always reinforcing the prevention of Covid-19, such as hand washing, use of a mask and social distance ”.
Assistance Network
Regarding the Balance of the Assistance Network, the Director of the Coquimbo Health Service (s), Edgardo González, pointed out that of the 1,232 beds of the eleven hospitals and the Elqui RedSalud Clinic, this September 18 there are 414 available. Of these, 23 units correspond to ICU beds and 22 to ICUs.
Regarding the people affected by the virus, the director reported: “Today we have 101 hospitalized patients with positive Covid-19, of which 36 are in serious condition, in the Intensive Care Unit, and 29 of them connected to a mechanical ventilator. Meanwhile, 89 people infected by Coronavirus are in home hospitalization “.
Finally, regarding the health personnel affected by the virus, González commented that there are 97 hospital workers infected and 58 are in preventive quarantine. Meanwhile, in Primary Health Care, 29 officials are positive and 46 are in quarantine.