With 19 patients infected with Covid-19 fulfilling quarantine works the sanitary residence that the Concepción Health Service installed in the Hotel Terrano.
An agreement between the service and the compound located on O’Higgins Street, in the center of Penquista, opened the health residence on April 9, for infected patients who cannot comply with quarantine at home.
The health condition of the users does not require hospitalization and they are under the care and surveillance of health personnel, with free services, said Carlos Grant, the director of the Health Service.
Hotel Terrano works 24 hours a day and has a maximum capacity of 78 single rooms with private bathroom, Wifi, Cable TV, four meals a day and cleaning service.
A nurse complies with the patient’s clinical record and 12 Nursing Technicians (TENS) monitor vital signs and other alert symptoms of the host twice a day. completing three shifts of four officials.
In case the condition of the infected person worsens, an emergency transfer with an Samu ambulance is coordinated for his hospitalization in the Guillermo Grant Benavente, a reference area for Covid treatment.19 in the Bío Bío region.
https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cua-residencia-2.mp3The hotel staff, who until before the pandemic attended passengers in normal conditions, now perform care functions after strict training by the Health Service, in the correct use of the use of personal protection elements and the application of safe waste procedures, among others.