14 million Chileans will be confined as of Thursday: what will happen to the workers? | Economy


In the coming days several communes in the country will be added to quarantine: approximately 14 million Chileans will be confined as of Thursday.

Given this, the Government recalled that Essential workers will be able to continue to work with the respective permits; and also remarked that in some cases the modality of telecommuting, in order to help reduce mobility and contain the spread of the pandemic.

The Minister of Labor, María José Zaldívar, clarified that people who perform essential activities declared by the authority “may continue to perform their functions, as they have done throughout this period.”

“For it They will need their employers to manage a safe conduct or permit, as the case may be, “he wrote on his Twitter account.

The authority also held that workers who do not carry out essential activities, and who live in communes that will be quarantined, “in common agreement with their employer They will be able to carry out teleworking or remote work. In these cases, they must continue to receive their full remuneration ”.

In other cases, workers who contribute to Unemployment Insurance will be able to access the Employment Protection Law “By suspension of contract by act of authority. This initiative was extended until June 6 of this year ”, added Zaldívar.

In the case of workers who have exhausted their money orders, the improvements to this Law establish additional payments charged to the Solidarity Unemployment Fund.

“The total is up to 15 transfers charged to the aforementioned fund “commented the Secretary of State on the social network.

The domestic workers They will also be able to access the Employment Protection Law, since their incorporation into Unemployment Insurance was approved in Congress in September of last year.

Finally, the head of Labor remarked that “the days worked during this month must be paid in full by the employer and cannot be deducted from the worker’s remuneration ”.
