10 percent: Helmsman DC predicts defeat of President Piñera in TC


The president of the Christian Democracy (DC), Fuad Chahín, lashed out at the Government’s decision to appeal to the Constitutional Court (TC) for the second withdrawal of 10% of pension funds, in order for the project to be declared unconstitutional.

The helmsman of the DC maintained that with this decision the Executive turns his back on the citizens, and predicted his defeat in the TC.

“I want to tell the Government to stop trying to block solutions that they have not been able to provide,” Chahín attacked. Instead of agreeing, of talking, of seeking real agreements, the Government is throwing away lights in Congress and then blockades in the Constitutional Court. “

“Resort to constitutional Court It seems to me a wrong path and it will lead to defeat … I think that, in addition, the Government is going to lose, it is going to lose in this; not only will he turn his back on people, but will lose in the Constitutional Court“, sentenced the president of the DC.
