Chang’-5ch ceta docx with lunar orbit module

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has announced that it has been successfully randomized to lunar orbit with an orbiter-returner combination at 5:42 BJT on Sunday and is about to board China’s N-5 test.

This is the first time the Chinese spacecraft has conducted a humble and docking in lunar orbit.

The samples collected on the moon weigh about 2 kilograms and have been transferred to the returnee from the ascent, the CNSA said.

The Chang-5 mission is one of the most complex in Chinese aerospace history, as well as the world’s first lunar-sampling mission in more than 40 years.

The Chang-5 probe, which included an orbiter, a lander, an ascending and a retriever, was launched on November 24, and its landing compound came down north of the Mons Ramker of Oceanus Procelerum, also known as. On December 1 near the moon, stormy ocean.

After collecting and sealing the samples, the Change-5 climber took off from the lunar surface on December 3.

The orbiter-returner will then detach from the climber, and wait for the right time to return to Earth.

(With Xinhua’s input)