Chang 5 makes the 1st lunar-earth transfer injection maneuver to return home

One picture shows an orbital transfer injection through the Orbiter-Rentary capsule combination of the Chang “E5. [Photo provided to]

Its first lunar-earth transfer injection maneuver was carried out Saturday morning in China’s Chang’e 5 robotic probe bitbiter-rentry capsule combination, according to the China National Space Administration, which will place itself in elliptical lunar orbit.

The joint maneuver had been traveling in a nearby circular lunar orbit for about six days before being carried out, with the aim of enabling the spacecraft to move in the direction of lunar-Earth orbit, the administration said in a statement.

It added that the compound would give a second injection at the right time to get away from the moon’s gravity and eventually enter its path on Earth.

Inside the rentry capsule contains about 2 kilograms of lunar rocks and clay.

Once in Earth orbit, the pair will break in due course, and the Rintry capsule will perform a series of complex maneuvers to return to a preset landing site in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of northern China in mid-December.

Chang 5, China’s largest and most sophisticated lunar probe, has four main components- an orbiter, a lander, an ascending and a rentary capsule. The spacecraft was launched on March 24 at the Wenchang Space Launcher Center in southern China’s Henan Province by the Lhang March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket, which was China’s most challenging lunar adventure to bring back lunar samples and the world’s first post-1976 mission. On earth.

While in lunar orbit on the early morning of November 30, the probe was divided into an orbiter-rentry capsule compound and a lander-ascender compound.

At the end of December 1, the Lander-Asander combination landed on the moon, becoming the world’s third spacecraft to land on the lunar surface in this century after its predecessor – Changi 3 and 4 – shortly after landing, the pair began using Exercise for obtaining underground samples.

Finished the underground operation early in the morning on December 2, and then began using a mechanical hand to move the surface dirt forward.

All the processes of storage and packing that night, much earlier than expected. The samples were packed in a vacuum container inside the climber.

The climber on December 3 activated the engine to land the elliptical lunar orbit to prepare the models for docking from the Rentry Capsule, marking the first time a Chinese spacecraft had been taken out of the outer world body.

It rendered and docked early Sunday morning with the Orbiter-Rentry Capsule compound and then transferred the lunar samples to the capsule.

Parish is the first automatic rendering and docking for any spacecraft in lunar orbit.

The two components of the final spacecraft, docked together in lunar orbit, occurred during the last Apollo mission in December 1972, and were observed and controlled by astronauts.

Separated from the compound after climbing. It was ordered to have an effect on the moon on Tuesday morning.

If successful, the highly civilized Changi 5 mission will be the first in more than 40 years to bring lunar samples back to Earth, making China the third country to do so after the United States and the former Soviet Union.
