
Continuing global warming with what we do in mind: a study

Even if humanity stopped emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, the Earth would be warming for centuries and the oceans would rise by meters, according to a study of controversial modeling published on Thursday. The natural drivers of global warming – more heat dissipating clouds, permafrost melting and sea ice shrinking – …

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A boated statue in Spain is attracting global attention

A sculpture in Palencia, Spain, has attracted worldwide attention since its construction. This sculpture, which at one time had human-like characteristics, now looks like a cartoon character. Some compare it to other boatsed restoration jobs in the country. According to the Associated Press, the sculpture, which is part of the …

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A simple search can help you get out of alcohol and get healthier

Above: Olivia Sobzik, co-author and researcher at the University Health Network of Toronto, demonstrates how the ClearMate device is used. Image: University Health Network Scientists in Canada say they have arrived Found a new way to treat potentially life-threatening alcohol intoxication – by helping people literally breathe alcohol into their …

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