
Bastille Day: France honors health workers amid pandemic

Media playback is not supported on your device Media captionBastille Day celebrated under confinement France has honored its healthcare workers at small events to mark the national celebration of Bastille Day, amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Authorities canceled the traditional military parade, but instead paid tribute to those who tackle …

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Ohio State Resumes Voluntary Trainings After COVID-19 Break

Ohio State football has returned to practice. The Buckeyes announced Tuesday that, after consulting with medical professionals, student athletes could resume volunteer training. The athletic department initially suspended voluntary training on July 8 after receiving multiple positive COVID-19 tests. After Bucknuts originally reported that the suspension of all volunteer workouts …

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Baby infected with COVID-19 in utero: study

Paris (AFP) – Doctors in France described what they said was the first confirmed case of a newborn infected in the womb with COVID-19 by the mother. The baby, born in March, suffered from brain inflammation and COVID-19-related neurological symptoms in adults, but has since recovered, they reported Tuesday in …

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