
New research shows climate was the key factor impacting the movement of Europe’s first farmers

Credit: Roehampton University. The research, a collaboration between the University of Roehampton, the University of Cambridge and several other institutions, combined archaeological data with paleoclimatic reconstructions to show for the first time that the climate dramatically impacted the migration of people across Europe, causing a dramatic slowdown among 6,100 BC …

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Coronavirus: China’s economy is growing again

Image copyright fake pictures China’s economy grew 3.2% in the second quarter after a record drop. The world’s second largest economy experienced a sharp decline in the first three months of the year during coronavirus blockades. But figures released on Wednesday show that China’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew again …

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Dr. Anthony Fauci is an InStyle cover star, just as he should be

Fashion The magazine has a new cover: Dr. Anthony Fauci. The Chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has spent the majority of this year serving as an avuncular frontman for many Americans desperate for the facts and dealing with an adverse-to-the-truth administration. In a special digital …

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