
John Lewis Funeral: Obama, More Deliver Keynote Speeches

As befits the man he commemorated, John Lewis’s Thursday funeral in Atlanta was a public symphony, a rhetorical masterpiece of pride, praise, and calls to continue the work of the great man. Three former presidents spoke, all with emotional admiration for the 80-year-old civil rights leader and longtime Democratic congressman …

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First genetic knockout in cephalopods achieved

Inshore squid hatchlings (Doryteuthis pealeii). On the left is a control pup; note the black and reddish brown chromatophores evenly placed on its mantle, head and tentacles. In contrast, the embryo on the right was injected with CRISPR-Cas9 targeting a pigmentation gene (tryptophan 2.3 dioxygenase) prior to first cell division; …

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