
Officials should stop contradicting COVID data, dangers

The official COVID-19 death toll for the United States is reported as “total COVID deaths”, a number that currently stands at 150,000. Many Americans, of course, assume that “COVID death” means that infection with the virus was the COD, the “cause of death” that normally appears on a death certificate. …

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Could the Higgs Boson decay into dark matter?

Probing Dark Matter With the Higgs Boson Visible matter – everything from pollen to stars and galaxies – makes up about 15% of the total mass of the Universe. The remaining 85% is made up of something completely different from things we can touch and see: dark matter. Despite overwhelming …

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‘It should have been mandatory from the start’: Ireland says people should wear masks in shops to stop COVID-19 – but why did it take so long?

DUBLIN – Ireland is a nation of saints, scientists and the status quo. This small island in the northwestern periphery of Europe is ruled by two old enemies: the right-wing Republican Fianna Fáil party and the fellow Christian-Democratic Fine Gael, which since independence in 1922 on opposite sides of ‘ …

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